Patch 0.03 *SOB*

I'm glad I uploaded early and got some feedback. Thanks to that I've made some changes, Mostly for Clairty
*Clearer path to the first power up
*Minor enemy position changes

*A game timer, that now runs until you reach the exit! (A real win condition!)

Fixed the resolution

Added more text.

Remember, to always try your own game. An enemy class broke during Export only, and I almost submitted it as the final. That would have been embarassing.
This is the #MetroidvaniaMonthJam14 final submission, but I want to keep working on this project.  Any updates before the end of the Jam will be bugs only. This is a more refined version of the initial upload, taking in the feedback received. I would love to hear more! This is a project I'm really proud of and now I'm burning with ideas for more projects.

Files Play in browser
Dec 14, 2021

Get 201 (Alpha release)

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